Guess What? Not Many People Are Actually Using AI Tools Like ChatGPT

It might surprise you that not everyone seems to be using ChatGPT.

A recent article published on TechRadar points to a study where 12,000 people were asked on their usage of AI tools like ChatGPT.

The Study By Reuters Institute and Oxford University Found Only 7% Use ChatGPT Daily

The study was carried out by the Reuters Institute and Oxford University. They surveyed 12,000 people across six countries.

  1. Limited Adoption of Generative AI Tools:

    • It found that most people are not using generative AI tools like ChatGPT regularly.
  2. Usage Statistics:

    • Among those who have used tools like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, or Microsoft Copilot, many reported using them only "once or twice."
    • Only a small minority use ChatGPT daily (7% in the US, 2% in the UK).
  3. Awareness and Recognition:

    • A significant portion of respondents had not heard of ChatGPT (47% in the US, 42% in the UK).
    • Other AI tools, such as Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, Snapchat My AI, Meta AI, Bing AI, and YouChat, were even less recognized.
    • Generative AI imagery tools like Midjourney and AI tools like Claude and Grok for X (formerly Twitter) had even lower recognition.
  4. Use Cases Among Early Adopters:

    • The survey highlights that early adopters are experimenting with these tools for various purposes, although specific use cases are not detailed in the provided text.

Overall, the study suggests that despite the hype around AI tools, their regular use remains limited to a small segment of early adopters, and awareness of these tools is still relatively low among the general public.

AI Haven't Crossed The Chasm Yet

Graph Moving Up

Although the article did not touch on the amount of people using AI tools indirectly through the API, the study further reinforces that AI tools such as ChatGPT have not yet crossed the chasm within the Technology Adoption Lifecycle and are still only used by the "Early Adopters" group and haven't crossed the chasm to reach the "Early Majority" stage, where a larger, more pragmatic user base starts to adopt the technology.

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